StationName | "855" |
Security(1) | 0 |
Security(2) | 0 |
Security(3) | -1 |
PakBusAddress | 855 |
PakBusEncryptionKey | "" |
PakBusTCPPassword | "" |
CPUDriveFree | 998400 |
CardBytesFree | -1 |
USRDriveSize | 0 |
ConfigComC1 | 0 |
ConfigComC3 | 0 |
SDCInfo | "" |
UTCOffset | -1 |
NTPServer | "" |
DNS(1) | "" |
DNS(2) | "" |
IsRouter | False |
CommsMemAlloc | 50 |
RouteFilters | "(0, 0, 0, 0)" |
CentralRouters(1) | 0 |
CentralRouters(2) | 0 |
CentralRouters(3) | 0 |
CentralRouters(4) | 0 |
CentralRouters(5) | 0 |
CentralRouters(6) | 0 |
CentralRouters(7) | 0 |
CentralRouters(8) | 0 |
USRDriveFree | 0 |
FilesManager | "(0, , 0)" |
IncludeFile | "" |
MaxPacketSize | 1000 |
RS232Power | 0 |
RS232Handshaking | 0 |
RS232Timeout | 0 |
UDPBroadcastFilter | 0 |
HTTPHeader | "" |
IPTraceComport | 0 |
IPTraceCode | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
DeleteCardFilesOnMismatch | 0 |
PCAP | "0, , 0" |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
USBEnumerate | 0 |
DisableLithium | 0 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
DisableLithium | 32 |
IPAddressUSB | "" |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
SkipPakBusRing | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 128 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetEnable | 0 |
EthernetInfo | "Ethernet is the default network.
MAC: 00d02c080357
IPv6 local: FE80::2D0:2CFF:FE08:357
IPv6: 2408:211:CB60:A200:2D0:2CFF:FE08:357
IPv6 router: FE80::212:E2FF:FE70:7798
" |
EthernetPower | 0 |
IPAddressEth | "" |
IPMaskEth | "" |
IPGateway | "" |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO1netEnable | 32 |
CSIO2netEnable | 16 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIO2netEnable | 0 |
CSIOInfo | "Ethernet is the default network.
CSIO(1) is not configured.
CSIO(2) is not configured.
" |
IPAddressCSIO(1) | "" |
IPAddressCSIO(2) | "" |
IPMaskCSIO(1) | "" |
IPMaskCSIO(2) | "" |
IPGatewayCSIO(1) | "" |
IPGatewayCSIO(2) | "" |
pppInterface | 0 |
PPPInfo | "Ethernet is the default network.
PPP is not configured.
" |
pppIPAddr | "" |
pppIPMask | "" |
pppUsername | "" |
pppPassword | "" |
pppDial | "" |
pppDialResponse | "CONNECT" |
KeepAliveURL | "" |
KeepAliveMin | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 1 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
HTTPEnabled | 0 |
FTPEnabled | 0 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
FTPEnabled | 4 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
TelnetEnabled | 0 |
PingEnabled | 0 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PingEnabled | 8 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusTCPEnabled | 32 |
PakBusPort | 6785 |
FTPPort | 21 |
HTTPPort | 80 |
FTPUserName | "anonymous" |
FTPPassword | "." |
PakBusTCPClients | "." |
TrustedHosts | "" |
TCPMSS | 1380 |
TLSConnections | 1 |
HTTPSEnabled | 16 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSEnabled | 0 |
HTTPSPort | 443 |
TLSstatus | "Initialized" |
TLSPassword | "" |
Baudrate(1) | -115200 |
Baudrate(2) | -115200 |
Baudrate(3) | 115200 |
Baudrate(4) | 115200 |
Baudrate(5) | 115200 |
Baudrate(6) | 115200 |
Baudrate(7) | 115200 |
Baudrate(8) | 115200 |
Baudrate(9) | 0 |
Baudrate(10) | 0 |
Baudrate(11) | 0 |
Baudrate(12) | 0 |
Baudrate(13) | 0 |
Baudrate(14) | 0 |
Baudrate(15) | 0 |
Baudrate(16) | 0 |
Baudrate(17) | -115200 |
Baudrate(18) | 0 |
Beacon(1) | 0 |
Beacon(2) | 0 |
Beacon(3) | 0 |
Beacon(4) | 0 |
Beacon(5) | 0 |
Beacon(6) | 0 |
Beacon(7) | 0 |
Beacon(8) | 0 |
Beacon(9) | 0 |
Beacon(10) | 0 |
Beacon(11) | 0 |
Beacon(12) | 0 |
Beacon(13) | 0 |
Beacon(14) | 0 |
Beacon(15) | 0 |
Beacon(16) | 0 |
Beacon(17) | 0 |
Beacon(18) | 0 |
Beacon(19) | 0 |
Verify(1) | 0 |
Verify(2) | 0 |
Verify(3) | 0 |
Verify(4) | 0 |
Verify(5) | 0 |
Verify(6) | 0 |
Verify(7) | 0 |
Verify(8) | 0 |
Verify(9) | 0 |
Verify(10) | 0 |
Verify(11) | 0 |
Verify(12) | 0 |
Verify(13) | 0 |
Verify(14) | 0 |
Verify(15) | 0 |
Verify(16) | 0 |
Verify(17) | 0 |
Verify(18) | 0 |
Verify(19) | 0 |
Neighbors(1) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(2) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(3) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(4) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(5) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(6) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(7) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(8) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(9) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(10) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(11) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(12) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(13) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(14) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(15) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(16) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(17) | "(0,0)" |
Neighbors(18) | "(0,0)" |
CellAPN | "" |
CellStateInt | 0 |
CellState | "" |
CellRSSI | 0 |
CellRSRP | 0 |
CellECIO | 0 |
CellRSRQ | 0 |
CellInfo | "Ethernet is the default network.
PPP is not configured.
" |
CellStatus | "" |
CellUsageToday | 0 |
CellUsageYesterday | 0 |
CellUsageMonth | 0 |
CellUsageLastMonth | 0 |
CellBillingDay | 0 |
CellDiversity | 0 |
CellIPProtocol | 0 |
CellRoaming | 0 |
CellOSUpdate | "" |
CellModOTAUpdate | "" |
CellNetCellID | "" |
CellNetBand | 0 |
CellPwrStartTime | 1440 |
CellPwrDuration | 60 |
CellPwrRepeat | 1441 |
WiFiConfig | 1 |
WiFiStatus | "Ethernet is the default network.
Wi-Fi is not configured.
" |
IPAddressWiFi | "" |
IPMaskWiFi | "" |
IPGatewayWiFi | "" |
WLANDomainName | "CR6.cs" |
WiFiSSID | "CR6_855" |
WiFiPassword | "" |
WiFiRegion | 1 |
WiFiTxPowerLevel | 2 |
WiFiPowerMode | 0 |
WiFiEapMethod | 4 |
WiFiEapUser | "" |
WiFiEapPassword | "" |
WiFiChannel | 0 |
WiFiNetworks | "" |
WiFiFwdCode | 65535 |
RadioCarrier | 0 |
RadioVersion | "0123456789" |
RadioSerialNum | "6789ABCDE" |
RadioModOS | "" |
RadioEnable | 1 |
RadioOpMode | 3 |
RadioFreqKey | 5 |
RadioHopVersion | 0 |
RadioHopSize | 112 |
RadioMaxPacket | 8 |
RadioMinPacket | 9 |
RadioDataRate | 3 |
RadioTxPwr | 1 |
RadioRetryTimeout | 255 |
RadioLowPwr | 2 |
RadioRepeaters | 0 |
RadioPacketRepeat | 2 |
RadioSlaveRetry | 9 |
RadioFreqRepeat | 0 |
RadioMMSync | 0 |
RadioSlaveRepeat | 0 |
RadioRxSubID | 15 |
RadioTxSubID | 15 |
RadioDiag | 0 |
RadioRetryOdds | 9 |
RadioTxRate | 1 |
RadioNetID | 1042 |
RadioFreqZone | 65535 |
RadioModel | "������" |
RadioStats | "" |
RadioOS | "��������������������������������������������������������������������FFFFFFFFFF7FFFF" |
RadioMAC | "����������������������������������������������������FFFFFFFFFF7FFFF" |
RadioFirmwareVer | -1 |
RadioModuleVer | -1 |
RadioRSSI | -1 |
RadioRSSIAddr | 65535 |
RadioAvailFreq | "��������������������FFFFFFFFFF7FFFF" |
RadioChanMask | "FFFFFFFFFF7FFFF" |
RadioNetID | 1234 |
RadioHopSeq | 0 |
RadioTxLevel | 4 |
RadioPwrMode | 1 |
RadioRetries | 1 |
RadioProtocol | 0 |
RadioEnable | 1 |
GOESEnabled | 0 |
GOESComport | 1 |
GOESMsgWindow | 10 |
GOESRepeatCount | 2 |
GOESPlatformID | "00000000" |
GOESRTBaudRate | 300 |
GOESRTChannel | 0 |
GOESSTBaudRate | 300 |
GOESSTChannel | 0 |
GOESRTInterval | "01:00:00" |
GOESSTInterval | "00:01:00:00" |
GOESSTOffset | "00:00:00" |
GOESid | "" |
GOESdateTime | "" |
GOESversion | "" |
GOESCurrentbattery | 0 |
GOESCurrenttemperature | 0 |
GOESbatteryBeforeTx | 0 |
GOEStemperatureBeforeTx | 0 |
GOESbatteryDuringTx | 0 |
GOESLatitude | 0 |
GOESLongitude | 0 |
GOESAltitude | 0 |
GOESTimeLastGPSPosition | "" |
GOESNumberOfMissedGPS | 0 |
GOESTimeLastMissedGPSFix | "" |
GOESGPSAcquisitionStatus | 1 |
GOESGPSAntennaStatus | 0 |
GOESFailSafeIndicator | 0 |
GOESDurationOfTransmit | 0 |
GOESForwardTxPower | 0 |
GOESReflectedRfPower | 0 |
GOESLastTxControlFlags | 0 |
GOESLastTxStartTime | "" |
GOESLastTxChannel | 0 |
GOESLastTypeCode | 0 |
GOESLastDatalength | 0 |
GOESLastHDRFlagWord | 0 |
GOESTxResultCode | 0 |
GOESCurrentTxState | 0 |